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Perform-up Srl Unipersonale was founded on 01/28/2022 in front of Notary Giovanni Battista Mattarella.
The company is headquartered in via Mazzini n. 18 - 20066 Melzo (MI).
The Company's purpose is the development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological value and more specifically: mainly, the development, production and marketing of digital tools and platforms to support development processes and to optimize performance for well-being and for the enhancement of performance and mental abilities within the corporate, sporting, scholastic and private context.
The services aim to achieve well-being in sports, corporate, school and private contexts, through techniques, interviews and tools capable of enhancing performance and mental abilities.
The exercise of any activity reserved by law to practitioners of arts and professions is strictly excluded.
registered in specific professional registers.
It may carry out all commercial, industrial, financial, movable and real estate operations that the administrative body deems necessary or useful for the achievement of the corporate purpose.
The Company may also, exclusively in an instrumental and occasional manner, provide real and personal guarantees to third parties, including non-members, including the granting of endorsements and sureties and the creation of pledges or mortgages on real estate owned by the company, in compliance with the mandatory provisions of law on the matter.
It may also assume, directly or indirectly, but not as a main activity and not for the purpose of placing with the public, interests and shareholdings in other companies or businesses having an analogous, similar or connected purpose to its own, as well as carry out financial transactions, not with the public, solely for the purpose of achieving the main purpose, with the strict exclusion of activities reserved by law.
The Company carries out the following activities:

  • development and implementation of the PERFORM-UP APP,

  • creation and construction of psychological and mental training contents (audio and/or video exercises).

  • Implementation and monitoring of software and management (server).

The company expects an applied research and development expenditure of Euro 8,000.00.
The sole shareholder of the company is Dr. Chiara Bordo, with 100% ownership.
The members do not include trust companies, holding companies or subsidiaries.
The company has no subsidiary companies.
The Company does not have professional relationships with incubators, investors, universities, research;

The company does not own any industrial or intellectual property rights.

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